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Eriks Hale Strand (Beach)
In Marstal, head out to the headland Eriks Hale, where you'll find one of Ærø's very special beaches.
Eriks Hale Strand is a sandy headland located just outside Marstal. On either side of the ‘tail’ are two different types of sea - ‘The Little Sea’ and ‘The Big Sea’.
On one side of the headland you can swim in ‘The Little Sea’, which forms a shallow bay between the marina and the beach. Here the water is shallow, calm and warm. On the other side, in the ‘Big Sea’, you have the fresh and cooler Baltic Sea with both waves and more adult-friendly depths. At the ‘Great Sea’, the beach is divided into small lagoons, which are ideal for relaxing.
The beach also has a nice jetty and 19 of the 90 colourful and famous beach huts on Ærø.