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Guided tours around Søbygaard

Sign up for a tour with Søbygaard's smiling tour guides around the area and the manor. Destinations change from day to day.

Twice during opening hours, all visitors at Søbygaard can join a guided tour of and around the manor.

Today's tours are announced on the information board at the ticket office.

At the start of the tour, the ship's bell in the courtyard calls "to assemble".

The guides go, among other things to:

  • The rampart
  • Vitsø
  • Vester Mølle
  • The moat around the manor
  • Tour of Søbygaard

The tours are included in the entrance ticket to Søbygaard.

If you have difficulties walking on bumpy roads, it's a good idea to ask ahead at the ticket office whether or not today's current tours are accessible for you.

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