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Seed Exchange Day at Søbygaard

If you're in the process of planning everything that needs to be sown in your raised beds, pots and garden, then Seed Exchange Day at Søbygaard is definitely for you.

Iværk Ærø and Søbygaard invite you to Seed Exchange Day, where you can swap and buy all kinds of seeds and cuttings.

Everyone is welcome - both those who bring a wealth of seeds and cuttings for sale or exchange and those who come to gather inspiration for this year's wonderful gardening season.

If you bring seeds and cuttings, just turn up between 10.30 and 11 am and find a table. The more people who come and swap, the more fun the gardening season on Ærø will be.

Søbygaard sells drinks and a light lunch.

Admission to the event is free.

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