Attraktioner på Ærø - Hammerichs Hus i Ærøskøbing

Museer på Ærø

Photo: Maria Fynsk Norup

På Ærø finder du seks museer med oplevelser for alle aldre. Deres Ærø-fokus er forskelligt, men traditioner, fællesskab og autenticitet er centrale omdrejningspunkter for dem alle.

Ærø Museum
Photo: Freja Kock Christlieb

Ærø Museum

Explore Ærøskøbing's beautiful old bailiff's house from 1775 and learn more about Ærø's unique history.

Marstal Søfartsmuseum
Photo: Maria Fynsk Norup

Marstal Søfartsmuseum

Visiting Marstal Maritime Museum is like a journey through Danish maritime history from the 1600s up until today. 

The Old Shipyard
Photo: Mali Lazell

The Old Shipyard

The Old Shipyard is a conveyor of maritime heritage and Danish craft traditions.

Photo: Ærø Turist & Erhverv


Visit Søbygaard - Ærø's last ducal manor house. Here you'll find experiences for all ages and lots of insight into Ærø's history.

Hammerich's House
Photo: Ærø Turist & Erhverv

Hammerich's House

Hammerichs Hus is a real time warp in the centre of Ærøskøbing. There are low-ceilinged living rooms, nooks and crannies and plenty of stories to explore.

Flaske-Peters Samling
Photo: Ane Katrine Vig

Flaske-Peters Samling

A nice collection of bottle ships and ship models.


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